Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Springtime is here!  This morning it's warm enough to open the front door and let the critters see the world through the storm door (one of their favorite past-times). 

In fact, they love it so much that our neighbors notice.  Last year we let our foster dog at the time watch us do some yard work through the door.  A woman walking by looked at our house and upon seeing a dog at the door asked, "What happened to the orange cat?".  She was relieved to find out he was taking a nap and still enjoys his post at the door. 

Right now Lenny and Waldo are enjoying watching the birds fly by and people walk their dogs.  When a bird gets especially close they start chattering (adorable squeaky noises), a common hunting technique in the feline world.  I don't have the heart to tell them that they can't catch the birds through the door when they try and pounce, but I also don't have the self control not to laugh when they try.  Either way, we're all enjoying having a little extra sunshine in the room.

1 comment:

  1. awww! cute! Kitty is doing the same thing with his bird friends in our backyard. I'm thinking about buying him a bird feeder to keep his friends happy : )
