Monday, August 30, 2010

Brown Sugar Peaches

When my parents came to visit us last weekend they brought along a bunch of peaches and other produce from a farm stand off exit 39 of I-94 in Michigan.  Everything that they got from there was incredibly good.

We all ate at least one peach every day, but after a week we still had several left and they needed to be eaten before they went bad.  I decided to cook some peaches and put them over pound cake.

After tossing this idea around in my head for most I started to get everything ready.  As I was washing the peaches I wondered if I should look up a recipe but realized that since my plan involved butter, brown sugar and fruit it would be nearly impossible to go wrong, so I decided the wing it.  Here's what I did:

3-4 Tbs butter
3-4 Tbs brown sugar
4 peaches, sliced
2 generous slices of poundcake

Start off by washing and slicing the peaches.  If you cut all the way around what looks like the seam of the peach and back again then you can just twist the two halves apart.

Then remove the pit and slice each half into 4-6 pieces.

Put the butter in a non-stick frying pan on medium/low heat and began to melt it.  Then add the brown sugar.  Make sure you stir it around so it doesn't burn in the pan.  Once the sugar is fully dissolved add the peaches.  Stir them around to coat.  Allow the peaches to cook for about 10 minutes, stirring periodically and flipping the peaches over.

Then all you have to do is spoon your peaches and the sauce over some pound cake (or ice cream) and enjoy!  This made for a delicious Saturday morning breakfast.

If you're watching your waistline (or your bloodsugar) you could cut the amounts of butter and sugar in half and it would still turn out great; you would just have less of the sauce.

I like to pretend it was healthy because of the fruit, but deep down inside I know that cooking the peaches removes a lot of vitamins, not to mention that the butter and sugar sort of cancel out any remaining redeeming nutritional value from the peaches.  But it was really delicious; the hubs said it was like peach cobbler.  He mentioned that it could probably have used a little cinnamon or nutmeg, so I'll probably toss in a little next time, but overall this was definitely a win!


  1. Yum! I've never had anything like this, but it looks delicious!

  2. Those look great! We're headed to MI this weekend so we'll have to stop. We went to the Palatine Farmer's market to get peaches this weekend and made peach ice cream from scratch with it - yum!

  3. Hi! I'm visiting from The Girl Creative's New Friend Friday party! I've enjoyed reading through your blog and am now COMPLETELY craving fresh peaches, and brown sugar, and probably some fresh, homemade whipped cream to top it all. Maybe I'll have to find a fruit stand tomorrow.
    Good work on the blog and love the posts about the animals!
